Gun violence in America is a war on the senses. 

​It’s a rhetoric-filled assault on the basic tenets of our personal beliefs, our institutions, our foundational principles, and our daily lives. It’s a constant battle for the truth, a slog through mind-numbing statistics, and a trek that numbs you to the core at times.


In Under The Gun, my MFA final project and thesis, I explore gun violence in America through a statistical lens, emphasizing the implementation of graphic design to evoke a response from the audience. Advanced typography, grid design, vector theory and application, 3-D and environmental graphics, color theory, lighting design, experiential design, and video have been employed in an attempt to bring the statistics to life and to engage audiences in a sane conversation on a particularly volatile subject.

Download Under The Gun 

Thinkpoint Creative blog

Thinkpoint Creative™ is where my thoughts and ideas about this, that, and the other are expressed, in the hope of getting you to think about things too.

You’ll find me blending my professional experiences with my personal assessments, and you’ll find me ruminating about where I think we’re headed – and where we should go. Thinkpoint Creative is a blog about design, creativity, writing, social media, the InterWebz – just about anything I find to be fascinating or worth sharing.

Jim Van Meer
At the intersection of design thinking and design doing.